Friday, June 12, 2009

Community Gardens are Good

I am not aware of any community gardens on the west side. Although I am pretty sure there were one or two years ago. I have tried to grow vegetables in my part of the west side, but I am in one of the foggier areas, and veggies need heat and sun!

I always thought the area around the Maritime Opportunity Center would be a great location for a community garden. I have no idea who owns the land, but it looks like there’s plenty of space for a couple of garden lots. Community Gardens have been working well in other parts of the city; I think they’d work well here, too.

The American Community Gardening Association is a Canadian / American nonprofit membership organization of professionals, volunteers and supporters of community greening in urban and rural communities.

To quote their web site:
community gardening improves people’s quality of life by providing a catalyst for neighborhood and community development, stimulating social interaction, encouraging self-reliance, beautifying neighborhoods, producing nutritious food, reducing family food budgets, conserving resources and creating opportunities for recreation, exercise, therapy and education.

We could use that here.

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