Thursday, February 17, 2011

U-Pass - not the Me Pass

I was disappointed and somewhat surprised to hear the reactions from UNBSJ students on CBC Information Morning today. They were asked if they were voting in favour of the Universal Bus Pass (U-Pass) proposal from SJ Transit. The proposal will allow all pass holders to have unlimited access to the city transit, including Comex, for the academic year (September - April). Almost all said they would not vote for the pass. Most gave expenses related to owning and operating a car as the reason.

I thought these were the very individuals who advocated a greener, cleaner, responsible attitude toward the environment? Mighty short sighted of them.

Most universities have a similar pass built in their annual fees. It is mandatory for all full-time students, as it would be here. The cost in Saint John would be $200.00 per year (8 months) - that’s a paltry $25.00 per month- a steal of a deal.

Perhaps down the road the decision will be made at a higher level for the students, with the three levels of government – funders of universities of varying degrees – building the fee into tuition; sort of a tax.

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